Specific benefits of Wastewater | Constructions
ADVANTAGES OF THE SYSTEM The Wastewater Treatment System generates cost-benefit advantages greater than those associated with conventional onsite systems, traditional sewer and others currently being offered in the market. The system achieves these advantages by integrating specifically designed natural materials that have been selected due to their simplicity, natural stability, cost effectiveness and regulatory acceptance.

Specific benefits: i)Certified treated effluent which can be discharged into the environment through natural water ways. ii)Use of natural methods with no mechanical or electrical systems. [Note: other options in the market are installed with electric pumps associated with very high operational costs and are unreliable due to the frequent power failures]. iii)Comparative low cost of installation. THE SYSTEM DESIGNThe Wastewater Treatment System fully takes into consideration every residential lifestyle and sanitary routines when designing the treatment system. Having developed common and cross cutting factors for similar conditions, the system is standardized for uniformity. The efficiency of operation is achieved by carefully designing for the required hydraulic head and selection of filter media to achieve the right effluent qualities. The Wastewater Treatment Principle is a fully activated anaerobic system with primary, secondary and tertiary chambers. The primary chamber being the sedimentation unit where treatment takes place with the biological reaction activated with advanced enzymatic technology which has super-high bacteria count and fast-acting enzymes capable of digesting all solid waste. The secondary and tertiary chamber comprise of filters which are used for physical straining and further biological treatment of the effluent from the sedimentation tank. It uses natural filters and coal for effluent neutralization. The entire system is hydraulically driven and does not use any mechanical or electrical means. The System Arrangement The system comprises the following: i)Primary Treatment – for sedimentation, bacterial formation and primary biological digestion of solid and liquid waste. In certain instances, additives are injected into the primary tank for coagulation and solidification of chemicals that form part of the raw sewage. ii) Secondary Treatment – for physical straining of liquid effluent and further biological digestion. iii)Tertiary Treatment – for complete straining of liquid effluent and final treatment of liquid effluent before discharge into the environment or before recirculation. Dosing of a disinfectant is done in this chamber.
SCHEMATIC ARRANGEMENT Waste material enters the sedimentation tank and i)Heavier solids settle to the bottom and form a sludge layer. ii)Lighter wastes such as oil and grease rise to the top and form a scum layer. iii)Between these two layers is liquid wastewater. iv)For industrial effluent – Interceptors, grease/fat traps and screens are introduced to remove solids such as grit, pips, skins, curds and twigs. There is replacement of ‘good’ bacteria depleted/destroyed by organic inhibitors such as heat and chemicals (for example, acids and caustic soda). The new bacteria restore the biological balance and help accelerate the degrading process.